How our useless E-mail can be dangerous to our Environment.

Kunal Das
3 min readJun 12, 2021


Yes, you read right. Email can be dangerous to us but wait it’s not about E-mail, the useless email. Just think and look to your email box how many emails does it has which you have never opened? How many emails that are not important and you ignore all along till it come daily? How many emails does it have in your spam box and never bothered to delete? Yes, these emails can be dangerous, but these are useless. Now let’s come to main question How it can be dangerous? Every Email provider have their own dedicated Data Server and all our emails are stored in those Server and they are distributed in different parts of the world. In order to run those servers a large amount of electricity is needed and still in many places’ electricity is generate through fossil fuels and it leads a large amount of industrial air pollution. So, now we can say directly or indirectly email emits Co2 which eventually harms our environment.

According to some sources,


Now if we calculate a little deep to this, we get,


What? Is this too small? Who cares naa? Wait let me go again to more detailed way :)

According to statistics every day,


So, now you know mathematics you calculate how many carbon dioxides is produced every day… Now it definitely needs to be reduced but how? What we can do? Sit today! Follow these small Rules that we can do and bring changes from today. Remember to check carefully if we don’t accidentally delete any important mail.

#1 Rule-: Delete the emails that are not important to you, delete all the useless emails from your inbox which will led delete from the servers too.

#2 Rule-: Whenever we register for any website or service we intentionally or unintentionally register for the newsletter or companies always sends promotional mail to us, that is not important to us we don’t open to those, DELETE those mails too.

#3 Rule-: Check your spam box regularly and always delete it whenever you find anything.

#4 Rule-: For any companies promotional or newsletter mail there we have unsubscribe options in the bottom of the mail where we can stop coming mail from there, giving any reason to unsubscribe.

#5 Rule-: Remember after deleting the emails it gets store in trash bin, many email providers stores those mail for 30 days after that it gets deleted automatically but why to wait when it needs only 5 sec to do by ourselves. Delete from Trash bins.

Now, we got to know what we can do. It will definitely reduce negative impact to our Environment, this small step if we follow at least once a week to clean all this which we can do by sitting at home.

So, Concluding to this article I would like to tell that our Environment is facing many impact from our habit but to remember this Environment is ours and it will eventually impact us one day, so before it does to us let’s stop or do whatever we can.

The Idea behind writing this article is by a Youtuber name Anuj Ramatri which I saw a video and thought of writing an article. Thank You sir for giving me the idea and making such wonderful Video.

Thank you all for Reading my Article, hope you will help me in spreading the message and the Knowledge.


Anuj Ramatri YouTube Channel



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